Jun 19Liked by Laura B.


I am so sorry to learn you've been diagnosed with Lyme disease, and that you became so ill on your trip abroad.

I know a number of people with Lyme, one of whom went 10 years with no diagnosis, because her symptoms were so similar to MS and chronic fatigue syndrome. That you could be diagnosed early on seems to indicate that diagnosis has improved. Being able to receive antibiotics is also supposed to be helpful. I'm glad you are feeling better.

Your photos of the birds are wonderful. Nature is so essential to good mental health. That it carries its dangers as well - ticks have become so prevalent everywhere - is difficult to accept. I am glad you didn't allow the diagnosis to take from you the passion for the natural world that you've always expressed.

I hope your new book does well.

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Thank you for these kind words, Maureen. I’m so grateful I was diagnosed quickly and had early treatment. There is an easy blood test now, but the tricky part is, you must have a suspicion and ask for it. I’m sorry your friend suffered so long without answers. When we didn’t have a definitive diagnosis in Ireland, it was discouraging. You start to think you’re crazy! But, yes, the birds are worth it for me 🩷

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I have several good friends with Lyme and realize how hard it can be. I’ve had MS for decades. As a Rehabilitation Counseling graduate student, I wrote a workbook on grief associated with health issues the year I finally got a definitive diagnosis. People need validation and acknowledgment of what they endure. Enjoyed reading your article. I love photography and writing too. Being outdoors is so healing. It’s so sad a tick can change lives so much.

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I’m sorry your friends are going through this and I hope they got early treatment. It sounds like you have unique insight into this kind of grief. Kudos to you for creating a workbook to help others. I would love to see it! I’m glad you e found the healing power of nature too, Susan. 🩷

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Thank you, Laura. My friend Phyllis was diagnosed way too late and has suffered a lot. I have seen others benefit from early treatment. If you’d like to see my workbook that can easily be arranged. I plan to launch a revision next year sometime but if you message me we could get a copy to you somehow. I’m in Oregon. Where are you based?

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I’m so sorry for Phyllis! I think we are much better informed about Lyme than we used to be and it is making all the difference in treatment and recovery. How exciting about your workbook! I would love to support your work when you relaunch if you keep me posted. I work at a rehabilitation hospital too and am always looking for new resources for my patients. I live in West Virginia, which just celebrated 161 years of statehood on June 20.

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Wonderful! Thank you so much. I loved my time at a rehabilitation hospital earlier on. I also feel really bad for my friend. However I am so glad to hear treatment and advances are helping others. One doctor thought I had Lymes and I did have a bite and bullseye rash years ago while camping. But I definitely have multiple sclerosis so it’s been an interesting journey. I really appreciate your interest in my workbook. It’s had a lot of use in rehab settings, support groups, Commission for the Blind, VR, Independent Living and it’s made it’s way overseas a few times. One patient with bilateral amputation has kept in touch and ordered copies for his social workers in Texas. I just want to update it a bit and make it available on Amazon probably. I will note your interest and stay in touch. I am currently finishing a book called Tenderly Transformed: Growing and Healing Through Turbulent Times. I started writing it during the pandemic. I am not fast but my clients are excited to have this tool available, too.

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Thank you, yes, please keep me updated! Your WIP sounds so lovely. I know living with MS has many challenges. I’m glad to see you continuing to follow your passions. I am a slow writer too, and I think that’s ok! Ideas take time to blossom into what they will become!

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Ugh, Laura, I am so sorry you got Lyme! Luckily you caught it early so it won't become a chronic case. I got a tick- borne illness last summer and felt awful but it thankfully cleared up with antibiotics. I admit, I freak out a bit now every time I get a tick on me...but I still tromp around outside because we can't not, right?!

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Thanks, Michelle. Exactly! I avoided permethrin for so long because it’s not natural, but I’ll take my chances with that—following the directions, of course. It’s given me some reassurance and I’m feeling less freaked out 🩷

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Oh wow, Laura, what a story. Nature is, indeed, a source of such comfort in all of life's many ills. I'm so glad you find it so, and wish you continued good recovery. Such stunning birds, thank you for sharing them!

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Thank you so much, Sydney. I am feeling much better—almost done with my treatment and hopeful we caught it in time to suffer no long term effects. The birds are always what saves me 😊. Thank you for the beautiful work you do—you always inspire me.

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Yay, Laura, and thank you so much! Nature is endlessly inspiring, I just try to pass it along :) 💕

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Oh, Laura! What a difficult diagnosis for someone as attuned with birds, pollinators, and plants as you are. It’s a difficult diagnosis for anyone, but I feel how excruciating it must be for you specifically. I pray for your full and complete recovery and no chronic or relapsing/remitting illness at all. (Well done, you, for making the tick connection and asking for that test!)

Also, so very sorry for the unpleasant drama marring your trip. ❤️‍🩹🫂

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Thank you so much, C. Prayers are getting me through and I am very grateful. Trying to be brave and trust that this beautiful world still welcomes my eyes and ears! It’s an impossibility to refuse this holy hospitality!

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Sometimes God speaks loudly in the wind or in the rushing of waters. But sometimes, He speaks ever so softly through the fluttering wings of a bird. I'm sorry about your diagnosis. And very thankful you have a spirit that refuses to give up the things you love most. May God continue to bless and meet you there, my friend. <3

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Thank you so much, June. Beautifully said. I pray I always have ears to hear 💚

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So sorry to hear you got Lyme but am glad they discovered it. A friend was just diagnosed after years of hurting. She hopes to be on the mend. What a beautifully written essay thought. Love your delight in those birds.

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Thank you, Katie. Yes, I feel very fortunate to have gotten early treatment. I hope your friend feels better with treatment too. I think we are much better about identifying it than we used to be. The birds always help me, no matter what the problem is!

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Oh, dear, Laura, how sad it made me to read about your travails with Lyme disease and it's accompanying pain. Thank God you are on the mend, but boy, what a journey. And you are absolutely right: Being outside and enjoying creation, particularly with the birds who come your way, is a cure for many, many ills.

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Thank you, Jody. The birds always help me! And a little poetry too :).

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Jun 20Liked by Laura B.

Oh my goodness, dear Laura. I had so many emotions reading this, and I am sad for you. And yet, in your heartache, you have found meaning and comfort. Your contemplative soul blesses mine. Thank you for writing your story as well as your feelings and insights. May you continue to heal, hope--and hike. Sending love!

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Thank you, Karen! I am feeling much better this week and still have ten more days of antibiotic. So I feel hopeful. :)

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Oh Laura. I am so very sorry for the trauma you've been through. I hope the writing of this has been another step toward healing. And in the process you're showing us how to acknowledge our fears without becoming defined by them. I'm sending a hug your way and a prayer for complete healing up to the Lord Who created those beautifully winged friends who are beckoning you forward.


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Thank you, friend. You are so very kind 💗

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Laura, you said (so much more eloquently) what Gilda Radner once tried to say: “It’s always something.” I had heard that ticks were thriving this year, and now I’m bitter that their flourishing has come at such a high cost to a dear soul who delights so much in creation. Sounds like the healing has already started. I’ll pray that it continues.🙏

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Thank you so much, Crystal. I think it is a bad year. I’m feeling better and almost to the end of my treatment, so feeling hopeful! Prayers always help.🩷

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Oh Laura. I’m so sorry to hear about you getting Lyme’s. I pray that the antibiotics do their thing and a full recovery is your reality. So glad you got back out there—your words and images are stunning.

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Thank you so much, friend. This is the first week my symptoms feel like they are pretty much gone, so I am hopeful. Grateful I started that antibiotic in Ireland, though. Just in case 😝

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Jun 19Liked by Laura B.

This was just beautiful. So glad you are out and about and on the mend.

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Thanks, friend. You helped me feel reassured when you shared your story. I appreciate that. 🩷

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Jun 19Liked by Laura B.

So glad you are getting back out there. Can relate to a certain degree and find myself handing the tick anxiety right back to Him as I just keep going.

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TY, lorijean. That’s what we got to do! 🩷

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